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Jenelle Evans in Bathing Suit Says "the View is Better With Me in it" Celebwell

Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans loves sharing bikini shots with her fans, especially when she's on vacation. The 30-year-old posted a picture of herself lounging in a hot tub, wearing a patterned green bathing suit. "The view is better with me in it 🙃✨," she captioned the post. How does she stay so fit? Read on to see 5 ways Evans stays in shape and the photos that prove they work—and to get beach-ready yourself, don't miss these essential 30 Best-Ever Celebrity Bathing Suit Photos!

Evans occasionally tries intermittent fasting, where she eats her meals within a specific window of time. "Many people try fasting to lose weight, but if this isn't something you can do forever – and if the plan isn't sustainable – then you may regain that weight," says Melinda Gong, RD, CDCES, CSOWM. "Intermittent fasting can help with weight loss because it may help you eat less overall. This is especially true if you eat sensible portions and choose balanced meals during non-fasting times."

Evans has previously said she prefers to get her protein through whole foods rather than shakes and supplements. "I don't drink protein shakes…low carb diet, only water to drink, chicken/steak, veggies, cardio and home workouts," she says

Evans likes to support her diet with supplements such as niacin and biotin. "No studies have proven that biotin supplements will change the appearance of your hair, skin or nails," says Courtney Barth, RD. "But some people find that taking a biotin supplement helps them boost hair and nail growth. It's usually not harmful to try biotin for thicker hair or healthier nails."

Evans likes to make egg-based breakfast sandwiches for her family. "Eggs are rich in protein, which is more filling than either fat or carbohydrate," says registered nutritionist Jo Lewin. "As a food choice, eggs score well, being high on the satiety index, a measure of how filling a food is. In fact, studies show that an egg breakfast is more sustaining than the equivalent calorie counted carb breakfast and, what's more, may help reduce your calorie intake later in the day."

Evans avoids soda and fast food when she is in weight-loss mode. "Eating healthier lately! Cut out a lot of fast food, soda, and bread," she says. "I haven't been trying, but I am losing weight without working out! Feeling great lately. Focusing more on my mental health and body has been more than amazing and very rewarding in my opinion."
